Paddle |
Mileage |
Paddling Time |
Avg |
Min/Sec |
Total |
Avg |
Put In |
Take Out |
Elevation |
Elevation |
Date |
Location |
Nbr |
Rob |
hh:mm:ss |
Speed |
Mile |
Mileage |
Mileage |
Point |
Point |
Comments/Description |
Vessel |
Loss Recd |
Loss Publ |
08/03/18 |
Lake of the Ozarks |
1 |
3.12 |
1:27:15 |
2.146 |
27:58 |
3.12 |
3.12 |
Peterson's |
Peterson's |
Peaceful morning kayak on
the lake. Sunny, temp about 73. |
Wilderness1 |
519 |
09/26/18 |
Jacks Fork River, Eminence MO |
2 |
8.60 |
5:16:22 |
1.631 |
36:47 |
11.72 |
5.86 |
Eminence |
Two Rivers |
Stayed in cabin in Eminence
MO. Temp about 66. Forgot to stop watch, mileage estimated. With Rick & Lauri Peterson. |
Perception1 |
311 |
09/27/18 |
Current River |
3 |
12.05 |
5:29:42 |
2.193 |
27:22 |
23.77 |
7.92 |
Williams Landing |
Two Rivers |
Stayed in cabin in Eminence
MO. Temp about 57. With Rick & Lauri Peterson. |
Perception1 |
425 |
10/17/18 |
Eleven Point National Wild and Scenic River |
4 |
15.31 |
6:52:11 |
2.229 |
26:55 |
39.08 |
9.77 |
Turner's Mill |
Riverton |
Stayed in house in Alton
MO.Temp about 63. Turner South Access to Riverton Access. With Rick &
Lauri Peterson. |
Perception1 |
213 |
10/18/18 |
Eleven Point National Wild and Scenic River |
5 |
5.09 |
2:20:36 |
2.172 |
27:37 |
44.17 |
8.83 |
Greer Crossing |
Turner's Mill |
Stayed in house in Alton
MO. Temp about 55. Greer Crossing Recreation Area to Turner South Access.
With Rick & Lauri Peterson. Shuttle guy screwed up and left our vechicles
at the wrong place. |
Perception1 |
35 |
Total Mileage |
44.17 |
21:26:06 |
1503 |
Target Mileage |
40.00 |
-4.17 |
Percent Complete |
110.4% |
Elapsed Day |
365 |
0 |
Percent of Current Year |
100.0% |
Monthly TOTALs |
Mileage Total |
Paddles Per Month |
January Mileage |
0.00 |
0 |
February Mileage |
0.00 |
0 |
March Mileage |
0.00 |
0 |
April Mileage |
0.00 |
0 |
May Mileage |
0.00 |
0 |
June Mileage |
0.00 |
0 |
July Mileage |
0.00 |
0 |
August Mileage |
3.12 |
1 |
September Mileage |
20.65 |
2 |
October Mileage |
20.40 |
2 |
November Mileage |
0.00 |
0 |
December Mileage |
0.00 |
0 |
44.17 |
5 |
Cumlative Mileage since 2016 |
84.59 |
Vessel |
EOY 2017 |
Current Year |
Total |
Wilderness1 - Wilderness Tarpon 100 (blue) |
10.40 |
3.12 |
13.52 |
Lauri Peterson's kayak |
Kayak1 - Unknown (red) |
1.55 |
0.00 |
1.55 |
Hoffmann's kayak |
Kayak2 - Unknown (blue) |
18.50 |
0.00 |
18.50 |
Dave Fiedler's kayak |
Oldtown1 - Old Town Twister (red) |
5.56 |
0.00 |
5.56 |
Rental kayak, Riverview
Ranch, Bourbon MO |
Perception1 - Perception Pescador 12 (red) |
4.41 |
41.05 |
45.46 |
Rob Anderson's kayak |
Totals: |
40.42 |
44.17 |
84.59 |
Copyright ©
2018-2020 Robert P. Anderson |
http://ranaround.com/ |
Page Last Updated: 02/07/2020 at 11:21:43 |