Runs By Year Summary

Year Total Mileage Cumlative Mileage Number of Runs Average Run Length Comments
2006 218.00 218.00 66 3.30 1st year running.
2007 383.18 601.18 88 4.35 2nd year running.
2008 333.68 934.86 83 4.02 3rd year running. Shin splints.
2009 254.79 1189.65 98 2.60 4th year running. Shin splints.
2010 256.49 1446.14 74 3.47 5th year running. Shin splints. Shoulder injury.
2011 528.02 1974.16 119 4.44 6th year running. Shoulder surgery, hernia surgery.
2012 655.82 2629.98 138 4.75 7th year running. 
2013 572.17 3202.15 118 4.85 8th year running.  Shin splints, physical therapy.
2014 386.77 3588.92 96 4.03 9th year running.  Hips issues.
2015 663.04 4251.96 139 4.77 10th year running. Retired.
2016 674.09 4926.05 136 4.96 11th year running. First full year of retirement.
2017 360.24 5286.29 89 4.05 12th year running. Second full year of retirement. Right hip issue, PT.
2018 615.69 5901.98 134 4.59 13th year running. Third full year of retirement. 
2019 379.16 6281.14 97 3.91 14th year running. Fourth full year of retirement. Right knee issue, PT.
2020 217.16 6498.30 59 3.68 15th year running. Fifth full year of retirement. Broken L collarbone.
2021 182.68 6680.98 50 3.65 16th year running. Sixth full year of retirement. Right knee pain.
2022 186.40 6867.38 44 4.24 17th year running. Seventh full year of retirement.
2023 168.49 7035.87 38 4.43 18th year running. Eighth full year of retirement.
2024 19th year running. Ninth full year of retirement.
Totals: 7035.87   1666  
Averages: 390.88   92.6 4.22
Copyright © 2006-2024 Robert P. Anderson
 Page Last Updated: 07/12/2024 at 17:24:50