2024 Run Log

Date Location Run Nbr Mileage Rob Running Time hh:mm:ss Avg Speed Min/Sec Mile Total Miles Avg Miles Mileage Katie Mileage Kerry Comments/Description Which Shoes Elevation Gain
01/20/24 Crestwood MO 1 3.27 0:41:02 4.781 12:33 3.27 3.27 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #01 of 217 total. Very cold, about 20. Started/ended at Spellman Park. Big bend south to Rayburn. Brooks8 268
01/30/24 Kirkwood MO 2 3.29 0:40:32 4.870 12:19 6.56 3.28 0.00 0.00 43 and cloudy. Most Meacham Park. Started/ended at local church.  Brooks8 190
02/05/24 Milwaukee WI 3 3.47 0:46:10 4.510 13:18 10.03 3.34 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #02 of 218 total. Cloudy, about 35. Slippery on earthen trails beside the Milwaukee River. Got running shoes muddy. Returned on Humboldt Blvd. Brooks8 148
02/17/24 Crestwood MO 4 4.05 0:51:13 4.745 12:39 14.08 3.52 0.00 0.00 Sunny and 25. Watson Industrial Park and some streets south of Sanders Park. Lots of snow/ice to contend with. Brooks8 376
02/28/24 Kirkwood MO 5 3.20 0:41:30 4.627 12:58 17.28 3.46 0.00 0.00 More Mechum Park. Started/ended by Lowe's in Kirkwood MO.  Brooks8 175
03/08/24 Crestwood MO 6 3.39 0:42:50 4.749 12:38 20.67 3.45 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #03 of 219 total. Lodge Pole Lane etc. Brooks8 250
03/24/24 Wilson's Creek Natl Battlefield, Springfield MO 7 4.32 0:52:08 4.972 12:04 24.99 3.57 0.00 0.00 Returning from Winfield KS. Brooks8 413
04/11/24 Kirkwood MO to Warson Woods MO 8 3.81 0:44:34 5.129 11:42 28.80 3.60 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #04 of 220 total. After getting bike repaired at Billy Goat Cycles on Manchester Rd. Brooks8 290
04/25/24 Overland MO to Olivette MO to University City MO 9 3.16 0:34:54 5.433 11:03 31.96 3.55 0.00 0.00 Temp about 70. Mary dropped off her retanl car and I left her the Sienna. We met at Costco in U-City later for shopping and lunch. Brooks8 168
05/13/24 Webster Groves MO 10 3.18 0:36:45 5.192 11:33 35.14 3.51 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #05 of 221 total. 5K around souoth Webster to pickup dome new fragments. Brooks8 161
05/30/24 Crestwood MO 11 3.54 0:40:23 5.260 11:24 38.68 3.52 0.00 0.00 Grant Road NE towards Rock Hill Road.  Temp about 67. Brooks8 217
06/14/24 Denver CO 12 4.10 0:45:23 5.420 11:04 42.78 3.57 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #06 of 222 total. Mile high run. Special challenge running in Denver: streets intersecting at weird angles, dedicated bus lanes, dedicated bike lanes and not all following the rules. Ran west across the South Platte River and back. Brooks8 76
06/23/24 Crestwood MO 13 3.63 0:46:21 4.699 12:46 46.41 3.57 0.00 0.00 Mid-morning run, felt sluggish. Warm and humid. Started and ended at Rayburn Park. Brooks8 319
07/12/24 Crestwood MO 14 3.43 0:42:13 4.875 12:18 49.84 3.56 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #07 of 223 total. Mid-afternoon run, hot and humid. Started and ended at Spellman Park. Brooks8 291
07/29/24 Crestwood MO 15 3.19 0:37:53 5.052 11:53 53.03 3.54 0.00 0.00 Started at Kohl's on Watson. Temp about 84, windy. Ended on Crestwood Executive Center.  Brooks8 208
08/12/24 Milwaukee WI 16 3.35 0:38:47 5.183 11:35 56.38 3.52 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #08 of 224 total. Temp about 75. From Kerry's apartment mostly north then south to Collectivo Coffee. Mary and I had breakfast together there. Riverwest neighborhood.  Brooks8 81
08/30/24 Crestwood MO 17 3.25 0:39:17 4.964 12:05 59.63 3.51 0.00 0.00 Parked at Our Lady of Providence. Hot & humid, not much fun. Ran by SWBT friend Greg Hall's house. Brooks8 264
09/23/24 Grantwood Village MO to Crestwood MO 18 3.03 0:37:51 4.803 12:30 62.66 3.48 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #09 of 225 total. Temp about 71 and humid. Started/ended at Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site. Left knee sore, neck & shoulder were ok.  Brooks8 184
10/21/24 Crestwood MO 19 3.27 0:42:28 4.620 12:59 65.93 3.47 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #10 of 226 total. Pretty Fall day. Started at Crestwood Park.  Brooks8 258
11/28/24 Wildwood MO 20 3.14 0:36:32 5.157 11:38 69.07 3.45 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #11 of 227 total. Trottinator 5K Turkey Trot. Cold, about 31, and windy. Finished 258 of 432. Chip time was 36:19:09. Lots of walkers in the way early. Won by Nick Dolan, one of Katie's teammates at SLU. Beer, donut and Bugels afterwards. Brooks8 255
12/06/24 Saint Louis City MO 21 2.21 0:25:09 5.272 11:23 71.28 3.39 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #12 of 228 total. Candy Cane Lane Unity Run with Dave F, JC, Kim. Faster than nornal pace for 1st mile. Cold, started about 25 minutes late. Beer by the outdoor fire pit afterwards. Lots of good conservation.  Brooks8 69
Meters Feet
Total Mileage   71.28 14:23:55 0.00 0.00 Total:        1,421          4,661
Target Mileage 100.00 28.72 Average:             68             222
Percent Complete 71.3% 28.72 miles needed Total
Elapsed Day 341 24 8.38 miles needed per Week
Percent of Current Year 93.4% 1.20 1.20 miles needed per Day
Monthly Mileage     Month Total         Max Delta
January Mileage     6.56   2     85.31 -78.75
February Mileage 10.72 3 66.01 -55.29
March Mileage 7.71 2 71.50 -63.79
April Mileage 6.97 2 63.62 -56.65
May Mileage 6.72 2 67.95 -61.23
June Mileage 7.73 2 51.58 -43.85
July Mileage 6.62 2 70.06 -63.44
August Mileage 6.60 2 68.46 -61.86
September Mileage 3.03 1 63.95 -60.92
October Mileage 3.27 1 75.33 -72.06
November Mileage 3.14 1 69.72 -66.58
December Mileage     2.21   1     76.07 -73.86
71.28 21
Mileage at end of 2023 7035.87
Current Year Milege 71.28
Cumlative Mileage since 2006 7107.15
Target Mileage (8,000) 892.85
Shoes   EOY 2023 Current Year Total         Comments
Nike1 - Nike Cross Trainers   378.85 0.00 378.85         Put in Service 01/02/2006
Nike2 - Nike Air Pegasus Blue 357.05 0.00 357.05 Put in Service 05/08/2007
Nike3 - Nike Air Pegasus Red 365.91 0.00 365.91 Put in Service 06/13/2008
Brooks1 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 Blue 434.21 0.00 434.21 Put in Service 10/24/2009
Brooks2 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 Green 412.63 0.00 412.63 Put in Service 02/22/2011
Brooks3 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 Green 437.47 0.00 437.47 Put in Service 12/10/2011
Brooks4 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 Green 459.07 0.00 459.07 Put in Service 09/14/2012
Brooks5 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12 Green 378.08 0.00 378.08 Put in Service 04/02/2013
Saucony1 - Saucony Guide 7 Sil/Blu/Blk 444.99 0.00 444.99 Put in Service 12/31/2013
Saucony2 - Saucony Guide 7 Wht/Red/Ctn 460.89 0.00 460.89 Put in Service 02/10/2015
Saucony3 - Saucony Guide 7 Blu/Slm/Org 502.47 0.00 502.47 Put in Service 10/20/2015
Saucony4 - Saucony Guide 8 Wht/Blu/Ctn 427.60 0.00 427.60 Put in Service 08/16/2016
Saucony5 - Saucony Guide 8 Wht/Blu/Ctn 459.99 0.00 459.99 Put in Service 08/04/2017
Saucony6 - Saucony Guide 8 Blk/Slm/Ctn 459.86 0.00 459.86 Put in Service 05/17/2018
Brooks6 - Adrenaline 19 446.80 0.00 446.80 Put in Service 03/05/2019
Brooks7 - Adrenaline 19 Gry/Blu/Ebo 554.21 0.00 554.21 Put in Service 06/17/2020
Brooks8 - Adrenaline 22 Oyster/India Ink/Blue 51.74 71.28 123.02 Put in Service 08/15/2023
Totals: 7031.82 71.28 7103.10 417.83 :Avg
Copyright © 2024-2024 Robert P. Anderson
 Page Last Updated: 12/07/2024 at 00:32:41