2022 Run Log

Date Location Run Nbr Mileage Rob Running Time hh:mm:ss Avg Speed Min/Sec Mile Total Miles Avg Miles Mileage Katie Mileage Kerry Comments/Description Which Shoes Elevation Gain
01/06/22 Route 66 State Park 1 4.21 0:47:41 5.297 11:20 4.21 4.21 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #01 of 193 total. Mid-afternoon run, 18, sunny. Started/ended at Kircher Park. Saw two other people. Trail/roads had light covering of snow. Saw a cardinal. Brooks7 38
01/10/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 2 4.12 0:46:05 5.364 11:11 8.33 4.17 0.00 0.00 Mid-afternoon run, CCW loop. Busy around Clark School. Brooks7 229
01/22/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 3 4.11 0:45:33 5.414 11:05 12.44 4.15 0.00 0.00 Mid-afternoon run, 43, sunny, some wind. CCW loop. A few people on Grant's Trail. Brooks7 218
01/28/22 Winfield KS 4 4.02 0:44:03 5.476 10:57 16.46 4.12 0.00 0.00 45, sunny. CCW loop to and around Island Park. Visiting for Dad's 90th birthday! Brooks7 110
02/08/22 Webster Groves MO 5 4.18 0:45:48 5.476 10:57 20.64 4.13 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #02 of 194 total. Mid-day run, 50, sunny. CW loop to downtown Webster. Brooks7 193
02/14/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 6 4.06 0:45:41 5.332 11:15 24.70 4.12 0.00 0.00 Mid-afternoon run, 43, sunny. CCW loop to Crestwood. Brooks7 210
02/18/22 Webster Groves MO 7 4.07 0:44:52 5.443 11:01 28.77 4.11 0.00 0.00 Mid-afternoon run, 37, sunny. CW loop to downtown Webster. Brooks7 196
02/27/22 Webster Groves MO 8 4.21 0:45:05 5.603 10:43 32.98 4.12 0.00 0.00 Mid-day run, 43, sunny. CW loop to downtown Webster. Brooks7 206
03/07/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 9 4.02 0:45:39 5.284 11:21 37.00 4.11 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #03 of 195 total. Mid-afternoon run, 37, windy, cloudy. CCW loop to Crestwood MO. Brooks7 234
03/17/22 Rolla MO 10 5.15 0:54:33 5.665 10:36 42.15 4.22 0.00 0.00 Late afternoon run, 75, sunny. On the way home from Winfield KS. Brooks7 119
03/23/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 11 4.04 0:44:06 5.497 10:55 46.19 4.20 0.00 0.00 Early afternoon run, 48, started to drizzle just after I started. CW loop to Crestwood MO. Brooks7 200
03/31/22 Webster Groves MO 12 4.06 0:43:58 5.541 10:50 50.25 4.19 0.00 0.00 Early afternoon run, 41, cloudy. CW loop around Blackbrn Park before the rain starts. Brooks7 259
04/04/22 Forest Park, Saint Louis MO 13 4.11 0:43:51 5.624 10:40 54.36 4.18 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #04 of 196 total. Mid-moring run, temp about 54, cloudy, a little wind. Start/end at Visitors Center. Ran to Jefferson Lake and looped it twice. With Erik Reeves - great to catch up. Brooks7 59
04/11/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 14 4.08 0:43:43 5.600 10:43 58.44 4.17 0.00 0.00 Early evening run, 52, cloudy. CCW loop. Brooks7 213
04/20/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 15 4.09 0:43:03 5.700 10:32 62.53 4.17 0.00 0.00 Early afternoon, 61, cloudy. CCW llop. Brooks7 210
04/25/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 16 4.11 0:43:46 5.634 10:39 66.64 4.17 0.00 0.00 Early evening run, 57, mostly sunny. CCW loop. Passed neighbors the Brocklands on the way. Brooks7 231
05/05/22 Lincoln NE 17 4.57 0:51:12 5.355 11:12 71.21 4.19 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #05 of 197 total. Lincoln NE run. Ran thru university campus, nice trail, by state capital. Brooks7 81
05/21/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 18 4.10 0:45:42 5.383 11:09 75.31 4.18 0.00 0.00 Early evening run, temp about 60, light rain part of the time. CCW loop. Some thunder but no lightning. Brooks7 216
05/26/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 19 4.10 0:44:06 5.578 10:45 79.41 4.18 0.00 0.00 Mid-afternoon, 66, cloudy. CCW loop. Felt decent.  Brooks7 208
05/30/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 20 4.13 0:45:25 5.456 11:00 83.54 4.18 0.00 0.00 Mid-morning, 73, sunny. Ran before we went to the Cardinals baseball game.  Brooks7 203
06/14/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 21 4.13 0:46:32 5.325 11:16 87.67 4.17 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #06 of 198 total. Late morning run, sunny, 93, heat index 106. Hadn't run in 2 weeks due to some plantar fasciitis in left foot following last century ride on 6/3. Crazy hot out. Took a long time to cool down. Brooks7 217
06/20/22 Webster Groves MO 22 4.04 0:44:53 5.401 11:07 91.71 4.17 0.00 0.00 Mid-day, 88, sunny. CCW loop to Blackburn Park and back. Brooks7 236
06/25/22 Webster Groves MO 23 4.09 0:44:47 5.480 10:57 95.80 4.17 0.00 0.00 Mid-morning run, 84, sunny. CW loop to downtown Webster. Brooks7 166
06/30/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 24 4.10 0:44:36 5.516 10:53 99.90 4.16 0.00 0.00 Early morning run, 70 and sunny. CCW to Crestwood and back. Felt so, so.  Brooks7 222
07/07/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 25 4.12 0:46:28 5.320 11:17 104.02 4.16 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #07 of 199 total. Late morning run, 84, mostly cloudy, a little wind. Slog, sweaty, slog. Brooks7 213
07/13/22 Bartlesville OK 26 4.13 0:44:35 5.558 10:48 108.15 4.16 0.00 0.00 Path along the Caney River. Brooks7 177
07/21/22 Grant's Trail, Saint Louis County MO 27 4.12 0:44:37 5.541 10:50 112.27 4.16 0.00 0.00 Kerry's birthday sign. Brooks7 62
07/28/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 28 4.13 0:45:26 5.454 11:00 116.40 4.16 0.00 0.00 High humidity Brooks7 206
08/05/22 Rochester MN 29 4.07 0:40:39 6.007 09:59 120.47 4.15 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #08 of 200 total. XX Brooks7  
08/10/22 Winnipeg MB 30 4.55 0:48:17 5.654 10:37 125.02 4.17 0.00 0.00 Brooks7  
08/13/22 Sioux Falls SD 31 4.16 0:43:03 5.798 10:21 129.18 4.17 0.00 0.00 Brooks7  
08/24/22 Webster Groves MO 32 4.03 0:43:27 5.565 10:47 133.21 4.16 0.00 0.00 Brooks7  
08/29/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 33 4.13 0:45:11 5.484 10:56 137.34 4.16 0.00 0.00 Blackburn Park loop.  Brooks7  
09/07/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 34 4.12 0:43:29 5.685 10:33 141.46 4.16 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #09 of 201 total. XX Brooks7 207
09/20/22 Winfield KS 35 4.05 0:43:35 5.576 10:46 145.51 4.16 0.00 0.00   Brooks7 121
10/02/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 36 4.11 0:45:35 5.410 11:05 149.62 4.16 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #10 of 202 total. First run since recovering from COVID-19. Felt like I hadn't run in a month. Happy to get it done. Brooks7 214
10/14/22 Worthington State Forest NJ 37 4.05 0:44:08 5.506 10:54 153.67 4.15 0.00 0.00 Started just after 9pm, temp about 41, very dark. Brooks7 243
10/25/22 Webster Groves MO to Crestwood MO 38 4.11 0:44:57 5.486 10:56 157.78 4.15 0.00 0.00 Brooks7 234
10/30/22 Webster Groves MO 39 4.04 0:42:30 5.704 10:31 161.82 4.15 0.00 0.00 Early evening run, about 57. Clockwise loop to downtown Webster.  Brooks7 147
11/07/22 Sunset Hills 40 4.06 0:43:37 5.585 10:45 165.88 4.15 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #11 of 203 total. Mid-afternoon, 63 , sunny. A couple loops around Minnie Ha Ha Park.  Brooks7 42
11/27/22 Winfield KS 41 4.06 0:44:39 5.456 11:00 169.94 4.14 0.00 0.00 Mid-afternoon run, temp about 48, sunny, some wind. Brooks7 105
12/03/22 Webster Groves MO 42 5.15 0:57:06 5.412 11:05 175.09 4.17 0.00 0.00 Monthly Run #12 of 204 total. Clean up miles Brooks7 322
12/16/22 Webster Groves MO 43 5.07 1:00:07 5.060 11:51 180.16 4.19 0.00 0.00 North Webster. Cold and windy. Mary dropped me off then later picked me up. Brooks7 284
12/27/22 Forest Park, Saint Louis MO 44 6.24 1:09:08 5.416 11:05 186.40 4.24 0.00 0.00 After driving Kerry halfway to Milwaukee. Watch may have been too loose. Lots of snow & ice on trail so lots of slow short steps. A few pics along the way. CCW loop from the Visitors Center. Brooks7 232
Meters Feet
Total Mileage   186.40 33:55:14 0.00 0.00 Total:        2,220          7,283
Target Mileage 200.00 13.60 Average:             50             166
Percent Complete 93.2% 13.60 miles needed Total
Elapsed Day 365 0 * miles needed per Week
Percent of Current Year 100.0% 100.00 * miles needed per Day
Monthly Mileage     Month Total         Max Delta
January Mileage     16.46   4     85.31 -68.85
February Mileage 16.52 4 66.01 -49.49
March Mileage 17.27 4 71.50 -54.23
April Mileage 16.39 4 63.62 -47.23
May Mileage 16.90 4 67.95 -51.05
June Mileage 16.36 4 51.58 -35.22
July Mileage 16.50 4 70.06 -53.56
August Mileage 20.94 5 68.46 -47.52
September Mileage 8.17 2 63.95 -55.78
October Mileage 16.31 4 75.33 -59.02
November Mileage 8.12 2 69.72 -61.60
December Mileage     16.46   3     76.07 -59.61 12.00
186.40 44
Cumlative Mileage since 2006 6680.98
Shoes   EOY 2021 Current Year Total         Comments
Nike1 - Nike Cross Trainers   378.85 0.00 378.85         Put in Service 01/02/2006
Nike2 - Nike Air Pegasus Blue 357.05 0.00 357.05 Put in Service 05/08/2007
Nike3 - Nike Air Pegasus Red 365.91 0.00 365.91 Put in Service 06/13/2008
Brooks1 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 Blue 434.21 0.00 434.21 Put in Service 10/24/2009
Brooks2 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 Green 412.63 0.00 412.63 Put in Service 02/22/2011
Brooks3 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 Green 437.47 0.00 437.47 Put in Service 12/10/2011
Brooks4 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 Green 459.07 0.00 459.07 Put in Service 09/14/2012
Brooks5 - Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12 Green 378.08 0.00 378.08 Put in Service 04/02/2013
Saucony1 - Saucony Guide 7 Sil/Blu/Blk 444.99 0.00 444.99 Put in Service 12/31/2013
Saucony2 - Saucony Guide 7 Wht/Red/Ctn 460.89 0.00 460.89 Put in Service 02/10/2015
Saucony3 - Saucony Guide 7 Blu/Slm/Org 502.47 0.00 502.47 Put in Service 10/20/2015
Saucony4 - Saucony Guide 8 Wht/Blu/Ctn 427.60 0.00 427.60 Put in Service 08/16/2016
Saucony5 - Saucony Guide 8 Wht/Blu/Ctn 459.99 0.00 459.99 Put in Service 08/04/2017
Saucony6 - Saucony Guide 8 Blk/Slm/Ctn 459.86 0.00 459.86 Put in Service 05/17/2018
Brooks6 - Adrenaline 19 446.80 0.00 446.80 Put in Service 03/05/2019
Brooks7 - Adrenaline 19 Gry/Blu/Ebo 255.11 186.40 441.51 Put in Service 06/17/2020
Totals: 6680.98 186.40 6867.38 429.21
Copyright © 2022-2022 Robert P. Anderson
 Page Last Updated: 08/30/2024 at 17:34:52